(805) 541-1129 | Winter Hours: Mon - Sun 10-6

Collection: Used Surfboards

Why should you get a used surfboard? New boards have never been better, but they're also quite expensive these days, so looking to the used rack is a great option for every surfer. 

We get a lot of used boards, and most of them have tons of sessions left in them. Traditionally, surfers have had the chance to examine a used board before purchasing; almost an impossibility if you're buying a used board online. We grade all our used boards using these guidelines. so you can get a sense of what you're buying, even though you can't handle the board yourself. Feel free to call and ask about a board you're interested in if you need some more info.

Only boards we deem to be in good to excellent condition are listed here, but there are always more coming through the shop, so keep checking! If you're in the neighborhood, come by and wander through the Used Board Room, there are a lot that aren't shown here, including guns, mids, kite boards, fish, grom-size boards, and even something weird from time to time.

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